Billing and cloud accounts#

In the event that you wish to control your own cloud billing access, you’ll need to take a few actions to let 2i2c Engineers control infrastructure that is located in cloud accounts that you control.

These sections describe some common actions that need to be taken on cloud providers.

Provision a paid cloud provider account for 2i2c#

For 2i2c to build & manage your JupyterHub, it needs full access to a cloud provider account on Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, or Azure. This page will provide guidance on how to do that.

Google Cloud Platform#

Currently, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is 2i2c’s preferred cloud provider. 2i2c access can be set up in a couple different ways.

Full billing account access#

A GCP billing account is attached to a source of funds (Credit Card, Institutional account with invoicing, credits provided by Google, etc). Giving 2i2c full access to a billing account lets us manage everything except the funding mechanism. You can track costs, get invoices, and grant overall access by controlling the billing account.

  1. Create a billing account This should be fairly straightforward with a credit card.

  2. Give 2i2c billing administrator permissions. You can do this by:

    1. Going to ‘Account Management’ on the left menu inside your billing account page.

    2. Click ‘Show Info Panel’ on the right. This should show a right sidebar that has list of current people with access to this billing account.

    3. Click ‘Add Member’. This opens another right sidebar that lets you add / remove billing administrators.

    4. Select ‘Billing -> Billing account administrator’ as the role.


      If you want 2i2c to not see anything about your payment method, select the following roles instead: ‘Billing -> Billing Accounts Costs Manager’, ‘Billing -> Billing Accounts User’. The full administrator role is preferred.

    5. Enter the following user emails under ‘New members’:, These are two of the folks at 2i2c who will help manage your project.

    6. Click ‘Save’. This sends 2i2c staff an invitation to your billing account.

    Let 2i2c staff know once you’ve completed this process, and they should be able to get going!

Project-level access#

In some circumstances, you might already have access to a GCP Project, rather than to a billing account. This is most common if you have a bigger institutional entity managing your cloud access. 2i2c can work with just this level of access too - although we will not have access to cost reports without extra access grants.

  1. Go to the IAM Page for your project. You can manage access to your project, as well as to specific resources, here.

  2. Click ‘Add’ in the top toolbar. A right side panel should open up

  3. Select ‘Projects -> Owner’ as the role. This gives 2i2c full rights to everything inside the project.

  4. Enter the following user emails under ‘New members’:, These are two of the folks at 2i2c who will help manage your project.

  5. Click ‘Save’. This sends 2i2c staff an invitation to your billing account.

Let 2i2c staff know once you’ve completed this process, and they should be able to get going!