Content creation and sharing#

These sections describe ways that you can create content for your JupyterHub and share them with your users.

Distribute content with nbgitpuller#

You’ll often want to distribute content (such as notebooks, scripts, sample data, etc) to your users so they can do exercises, follow along with a lecture, or use as a starting point for their own work. This content is often constantly updated as time goes on, and needs to not overwrite your student’s work if you make an adjustment to content that has already been touched by the student.

nbgitpuller is the tool we recommend for this. The workflow goes something like this:

Ensure that nbgitpuller is installed in your user environment#

The default environment for 2i2c JupyterHubs has nbgitpuller pre-installed. However, if you define a custom environment for your hub’s users, you’ll need to ensure that nbgitpuller is installed in order for users to use it!

Put your content in a public GitHub repository#

Create a repository on GitHub and start putting your content there. This is the source of the content that will be distributed to your users. You can update it as often as you wish. While instructors will need to know how github works, your users will never have to interact with git directly.

Write public books that connect to a 2i2c JupyterHub#

You can create public content that is designed to connect with your 2i2c JupyterHub. For example, you can create lectures from Jupyter Notebooks, and allow students to grab their own copy of the notebook to interact with on the 2i2c Hub.

To connect your public content with a 2i2c JupyterHub, we recommend using Jupyter Book. This is an open-source project that allows you to share collections of notebooks and markdown files as an online website and book. Check out the Jupyter Book getting started guide for more information about Jupyter Book.

You can tell Jupyter Book to place links directly to your 2i2c JupyterHub on each page that is served from a notebook. To do so, follow the launch buttons for JupyterHubs instructions. Make sure that you configure your jupyterhub_url to point to the URL of your 2i2c JupyterHub (e.g., https://<your-hub> This will use automatically create nbgitpuller links for you.